Languishing is the mood of continuous ‘blah’

Aug 30, 2022

Feeling like a wilted pot plant or that you are muddling through your day with a foggy windshield? It turns out there is a term for that: languish

The term languishing has become a new pandemic buzzword, although the concept has been around for two decades. Languishing dulls your motivation, disrupts your ability to focus and triples the odds that you’ll cut back on your daily tasks.

Primarily associated with our lockdown anxiety and fear of COVID-19, languish can also slowly creep into your retirement.

As you suddenly move away from the structure, socialization, and stimulation you previously enjoyed in your former career, emptiness can slowly creep into your days and pretty soon, you might find yourself languishing.

So, what can we do about it? A concept called ‘flourishing’ may be the antidote to languishing.

Flourishing is ‘the pursuit and engagement of an authentic life that brings inner joy and happiness through meeting goals, being connected with life passions, and relishing in accomplishments through the peaks and valleys of life.’ 

If you want to flourish and ban languish from your life, the PERMA model could be your answer. PERMA is the result of building and maintaining the following five key aspects in your life: 

  • Positive emotions: Enjoy those little positive moments each day, like getting that great car park spot!
  • Engagement: Remember what you used to love to do and try new ways to do them each day
  • Relationships: Being social and active in your community is part of your overall health and wellbeing and can dramatically improve your quality of life
  • Meaning: Find your new purpose! Maybe join a volunteering group and experience the joys of giving back to the community
  • Accomplishment: The feeling of accomplishment is an essential part of self-worth. Set some goals and work towards reaching them

Looking for some more support to avoid languishing? Silverchain provides Home Care services in parts of Victoria and under a funded Home Care Package, you might be eligible for community and companionship services. Call them today to find out more on 1300 650 803.

Talk to your Ingenia Connect team consultant about what support is available to help you do more of the things you enjoy. You can contact them on 1800 797 625